Schwartz & Ponterio, PLLC holds lawyers responsible for legal malpractice.

Did your attorney fail to keep you informed?

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2024 | Legal Malpractice

When it comes to legal representation, effective communication between an attorney and their client is not just beneficial, it’s a legal and ethical necessity. When this communication breaks down, particularly if an attorney fails to keep their client informed, it can lead to a host of problems, including mistrust, poor decision-making and even legal repercussions.

If you’re wondering whether your attorney failed in their legal duty to keep you informed – giving you grounds to pursue legal action if this failure caused you harm – it’s important to seek personalized legal guidance accordingly. That way, you can make a truly informed decision about your rights and options concerning legal malpractice.

Attorney-client communication

There are specific standards that dictate what is and is not adequate communication in the legal field. An attorney should keep you informed about significant developments in your case, explain legal concepts in understandable terms and provide timely responses to your inquiries. You should always have a clear understanding of the status of your case and the strategies being employed for your benefit. As such, lack of clarity on legal fees, infrequent updates on case progress, and not being consulted on major decisions are red flags.

Poor communication can result in serious consequences. It can lead to missed deadlines, uninformed decisions or even prejudice your case. In some instances, it could mean the difference between winning and losing a legal battle. Thankfully, as a client, you have rights. Attorneys are bound by ethical obligations to communicate effectively with their clients. If your attorney has failed to honor their profession in this way, you may have grounds upon which to seek recourse.

Ultimately, a good attorney-client relationship is built on a foundation of clear, consistent and transparent communication. If you have experienced harm due to inadequate communication, it’s time to explore your rights and options under the law.
